PartnerComm’s Gold Quill Awards

Making a difference for our clients with innovative communication that gets noticed.

Gold Quill History-image
99 Gold Quills

won for our clients!

We’re proud of the awards — and we’re very proud of the creative results that have made a difference for thousands of employees across the world.

Award Logo

12 IABC Gold Quill Awards in 2023

We were recognized for a dozen ways that we enabled our clients to reach their strategic objectives, from a digital wellness solution that’s changing employee health to a fun campaign that increased PTO days used. See below for a select few of the change management and communication campaigns that have earned recognition!

2022 Winning Case Studies

Amex Case Study
KBR Case Study
MSK Case Study
Omnicom Case Study

We inform and educate, but we do more than that. Our employee communication inspires, motivates and creates an emotional connection that helps you attract and retain the best and the brightest employees.

What’s the Gold Quill Award?

The IABC Gold Quill Award recognizes excellence in strategic business communication. This annual recognition has been IABC's premier awards program for over 40 years. It honors the dedication, innovation and passion of communicators globally. In short, it's an award for internal communication projects.

What's the IABC?

The IABC, or the International Association of Business Communicators, is a global organization that connects and develops communication professionals across industries and disciplines.

Each year, Gold Quill entries are evaluated by experienced professional communicators against the IABC’s Global Standard of the communication profession. The Gold Quill winners all represent communication solutions that support business goals, demonstrate a deep understanding of stakeholders and strategically meet (or exceed) the project’s objectives.

Why does PartnerComm love Gold Quills?

We’re proud of all the creative, outstanding work we do for our clients — and we love to see that innovation recognized!

Reach out to an expert today.