Your company’s employee value proposition (EVP) should be more than a list of benefits and perks. It needs to tell a compelling story that both attracts candidates and gives current employees little reason to look elsewhere.

Understanding your audience is key. As remote work continues to be a prevalent part of the workforce and evolves, your EVP must resonate more soundly than ever before. People from around the world can be potential candidates, which can make competition for attracting (and keeping) top talent intense.

This is why it's important for your EVP to stand out. It should serve as a differentiator for your business, all while telling a compelling story. The best part is that once you have a robust EVP that resonates with readers, word will spread. Online forums like Reddit, Niche, and Glassdoor allow employees and candidates to discuss the benefits of working at your company.

The value of storytelling

When preparing your EVP, consider the story you want to tell. Nothing helps audiences retain important information like an easy-to-follow narrative. Your stories should therefore focus on the following:

  • The people involved. Who are the characters in your story? What are their motivators? Include their challenges and how your EVP helps them achieve their goals.
  • The emotions evoked. What emotions do you want your audience to feel as they listen to your story? Consider all the elements involved with an EVP: benefits, health care, and more. These often touch on personal matters and carry heavy significance.
  • The key takeaways. What do you want your audiences to take away from your story? Lean into cleverly crafted lines that are easy to remember.

Storytelling examples

Once you establish your characters and desired tone, begin considering what stories you could use to communicate your EVP. Be sure to show the arc of how to accomplish each step using the EVP along the way.

Here are some examples:

  • Tell a story about a new employee whose values aligned with the company mission and vision. The career growth opportunities drew them in, and they experienced a series of steady promotions. Keep the focus on each element of the EVP that helped this individual on their journey.
  • Illustrate a story about a team who came together to solve a problem, demonstrating your company values in doing so. Clearly show how each value was exhibited for the success of the project.
  • Describe how an employee took advantage of formal trainings or mentorship to learn new skills and grow their career.
  • Highlight a time when a teammate experienced an unexpected medical issue. Thanks to the company's support and resources, they were able to utilize their employee benefits package and/or leave of absence.

Storytelling methods

Once you have some examples established, begin exploring the wide variety of methods you can use to tell your EVP stories.

  • Leverage blog posts, videos, social media posts, and employee testimonials (for those who are comfortable doing so). Make sure the medium you’re using fits your audience and follows a structured beginning, middle, and end.
  • Ensure relevance for your target audience. Tailor your stories to the specific needs and interests of the people you are trying to reach.
  • Be consistent with your messaging. Make sure all stories reinforce your EVP and create a cohesive brand message.
  • Measure your results. Track how your EVP communication impacts your recruitment and retention efforts. Record your findings and revisit them for year-over-year results. This will help ensure you’re telling stories that truly resonate with your audience.

Five best practices

Once you are equipped with these storytelling tips and tricks, put pen to paper and begin communicating your EVP. Here are five simple steps for effectively communicating your EVP.

1. Start with your employees.

No one can speak better to your EVP than your employees. Through strategic, targeted surveys, discover what your employees enjoy most about working at your company. Anticipate feedback that may not be positive and consider how it can still be utilized to craft your EVP.

For example, perhaps you heard loud and clear that your company-sponsored health insurance plans should be more conducive for families. After consulting with your HR teams, you can roll out a comprehensive plan that takes dependents more into consideration. This is a huge win that should be a part of your EVP. It represents your ability to actively listen and allows your employees to feel valued.

2. Create talking points for your recruiters.

You can only make a first impression once. Ensure your HR teams are well-versed with your EVP so they can easily relay it during interviews with candidates. Think of it like an elevator speech about why someone should work at your company. It needs to be snappy, energetic, and compelling enough for potential employees to want to hear more.

Similarly, HR professionals must be equipped to answer any questions about benefits, including those regarding open enrollment. This is necessary for ensuring a smooth process and easy sign-up. You otherwise run the risk of conveying inaccurate information for highly sensitive material.

3. Identify an executive sponsor.

When communicating important messages regarding EVP to your employees, an executive sponsor can help reinforce key pieces of information. You're more likely to catch readers' attention if an email about open enrollment from a leader or executive hits their inbox. Have this executive speak during town halls and other important corporate functions.

4. Leverage social media.

Shout it from the rooftops so that employees and job seekers alike can clearly see what you offer. Easily track effectiveness and don’t overlook the value of storytelling, as previously discussed. Feature new employees who enjoyed a memorable interview process and love all the perks your company offers.

5. Offer a lucrative employee referral program.

Through your recruiters and use of an executive sponsor, your employees should also be equipped to speak to your EVP. Unlimited PTO? Employee stock purchase plan? Make it all come together through an employee referral program. Get everyone talking about what you offer and why your company is a great place to work.


It's important to keep it simple when communicating your EVP to employees and job seekers. You know what you’ve got. Now it’s just time to use your available resources and tell stories to drum up excitement.

Remember to keep it as personal as possible so that it connects with your audience. Doing so will help you leave a lasting impression and establish your legacy as a desirable place to work.