PartnerComm Summary Plan Descriptions (SPDs)

Compliant documentation that employees can actually understand.

PartnerComm’s customized SPDs give plan participants a break from the overly technical with an easy-to-read, cleanly formatted SPD. To make our SPDs stand out from long, generic SPDs, we tailor them to your benefit plan specifics and your company’s brand, without sacrificing accuracy or legal compliance. Whether you need a new SPD built top-to-bottom or simply an SPD refresh, we’ve got you covered.

Totally customized

Our SPDs can be completely customized to your brand and style, ensuring they are a reflection of your company’s identity. PartnerComm takes the time to get to know your company and your employees so we can build your SPD to perfectly match your overall communication strategy.

How do we do that? First, we learn about your company’s culture — are you a more formal business or do you lean to the casual side? Is the language style of your current communication materials traditional or conversational? We also think about what communication avenues suit your employee population — whether a digital approach works best or if print materials are the way to go. We thoroughly review your benefit plans to ensure your benefits information is presented accurately.

Legally and technically compliant

There are a lot of rules and regulations for SPDs, and that’s where we really shine. Our writers are experts at employee communication of all kinds. They have an average of 20+ years of experience in writing technically accurate benefit content. Plus, we build in extra layers of review to ensure every detail is checked and double-checked.

Our in-house ERISA attorneys review all SPDs, with an eye for what should be included to meet Department of Labor requirements. They also monitor the latest developments in benefits law to ensure our SPDs are always up to date with changes affecting employer-sponsored employee benefit programs. We can even create summaries of material modifications for those mid-year plan changes that need to be communicated quickly.

Easy to read and use

One of the biggest complaints about SPDs is that they are overly technical, full of legal speak and hard for the average person to understand. We know nothing is worse than reading a single-spaced, black and white document full of incomprehensible gibberish. Our SPDs are the cure for that — it’s in PartnerComm’s DNA to make benefit communication understandable and visually appealing.

We work to make the language itself straightforward and clear and arrange the content to flow naturally from topic to topic. Further, we break the content down into easily digestible chunks, so readers aren’t overwhelmed with masses of text. We include splashes of color and callouts to draw the eye to important information. Our digital SPDs are easy to navigate — they include a linked table of contents and are searchable so users can quickly find information.

Reach out to an expert today.