Face-to-Face Internal Communication

While remote work is great and here to stay, face-to-face interaction is important too — maybe more than ever before
For Better or For Worse

Face-to-Face Internal Communication

Whether it's every day in the office or planned monthly meetings where everyone can come in to collaborate, it's hard to deny the better connection that can be made talking to someone in person rather than do everything virtually. Let's face it, each year as technology improves and we have the ability to work from home, it can be enticing to only want those virtual interactions. But face-to-face communication will always be an important factor to a successful workplace.

5 Reasons Face-to-Face Internal Communication Is Crucial in 2024

Technology like Zoom, Webex, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet and others are all here to stay. And we're not saying these online forms should go anywhere because there is a lot of value to having and using them. However, there is something about in-person communication that is just different and even, at times, better for the business and the overall employee experience.

We could go over tons of reasons why this is the case, but before we get ahead of ourselves, let's start with our top five.

01. Build trust with your employees.

When it comes to day-to-day meetings, we know it's not always possible to be in front of everyone face to face. But taking the time to meet with your employees in person shows that you care and want them to know you're accessible to them.

There tends to be an invisible fear associated with higher-ups and management for employees. It's important to help ease those fears by being available and in the office, especially for important meetings. Listening to what employees have to say and answering the difficult questions in person will give you a much better outcome than delivering the message over the phone or through the computer. We've all seen the horror stories of people who have communicated bad news virtually, and it turns out to be a PR nightmare for the organization and employee who delivered the news.

Communicating in person provides a personal touch that builds trust in a meaningful and powerful way.

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Fun Fact!

Find the Right Fit

PartnerComm has been in business for 30 years. So face-to-face communication isn't a new concept for us. We understand how important it is in today’s world, and we're here to help you with all of your internal communication needs.

Offset Image Callout

02. Emphasize importance.

Asking to speak with one of your employees in person shouldn’t make them feel like they're being called into the principal’s office. What this interaction should do is allow you to convey important messages in an effective and efficient way. Face-to-face communication allows you to personally craft your message, and use your tone, voice inflection and body language to communicate in a way that shows you care.

Sometimes we know an important conversation can't wait an extra week until you're in the office. According to an article in Forbes, a phone call can always get the job done when "the stakes are high" and a conversation needs to be had immediately. The more critical the topic and conversation is to be had, the more you should try to have that discussion in person. Just be sure to weigh the pros and cons of every scenario!

03. Become more efficient.

Let's be honest, being in the office and walking over to talk with your employee or coworker not only saves time but also allows for a much better understanding of what's being communicated.

Saving Time

Sends a Message

Face-to-face communication is faster, more direct and has proven to be more efficient rather than sending an email or a message in any chat portal your company uses. According to the New York Post, "the average employee spends about 11 hours a week drafting emails that few recipients read." That's more than 25% of their workweek!



As much as we all try to avoid it, miscommunication is inevitable at times. A post from the Harvard Business Review mentions, "When we walk away on a different page than our manager, team or peer ... we end up digressing instead of reaching the outcome we want." The key to avoiding any miscommunication is to voice your interpretation of what's being discussed. This allows everyone to see more than one side of the conversation and avoid any discrepancies when conclusions are made.

04. Help team building.

Something that has been lost over the last few years is the camaraderie built between team members. Simply talking in person creates much stronger relationships compared to only communicating online. Working together in person also creates immediate shared experiences. A bond is created when tackling a tough project. This bond strengthens relationships and helps teammates learn how to work together on future projects more effectively.

An article from Team Building Hub found that companies who scored higher for engagement between employees saw a 21% higher profit than companies with lower employee engagement. They also found companies who promote collaboration are 4.5 times more likely to retain their top talent. People want to build connections with others.

05. Tackle difficult issues.

No one enjoys difficult conversations. However, those tough conversations tend to result in a better outcome when done in person versus when the message is sent in an email. Too much is left up to interpretation when sending bad news through an email. However, taking the time to talk in person shows that you care and have empathy for whatever they may be going through. It also gives the employee an opportunity to ask questions and ease any concerns they may have. Everyone feels much better after talking about a sensitive issue face to face instead of sending some kind of impersonal memo.

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