Safety & IT Security

Creative communication to help keep your employees, data and technology safe
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Safety & IT Security

Workplace safety and information technology (IT) security are the cornerstones of a healthy business. When it comes to basic human needs, employees thrive when they feel safe and know their company is protected from threats of any kind. Employees need to understand the vital role they play in protecting your company. Communicating your corporate programs the right way will set your organization up for success.

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What is safety and IT security?

For a full understanding, we need to look at three components: workplace safety, IT security and information security.

Safety in the workplace boils down to protecting employees from work-related illnesses and injury, and ensuring worksites are secure from intruders. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), an agency of the U.S. Department of Labor, was created in 1971 to ensure safe and healthful workplace conditions.

At first glance, information technology (IT) and information security appear to be the same. But there really is a difference between information technology and information security.

Cisco tells us that IT security refers to internet strategies that prevent unauthorized access to your company’s digital assets (think computers, networks and data). Information security, on the other hand, involves the processes and tools designed to protect businesses from data breaches and various cyber threats that can compromise sensitive information.

How important is safety in the workplace?
Fun Fact!

How important is safety in the workplace?

From a human perspective, offering a safe place to work shows employees you care about their well-being. Workers who feel protected and valued are more likely to remain on their job rather than look for work elsewhere. They tend to be happy, productive and committed to their company's growth and success.

From a business standpoint, your bottom line is at risk when you don't invest in protective measures. According to OSHA, companies that have safety programs and health management systems can reduce their injury and illness costs by 20% to 40%. Protecting company data reduces the financial risks of cyber attacks, including losses in revenue, client trust, company assets and corporate reputation.

How do you foster a safety culture?

At PartnerComm, we approach communication with the goal of changing behavior, through education, to create a culture of safety. The safest work environment occurs when employees at all levels of the organization are invested in a common goal. In short, it’s everyone’s responsibility.

Step One

Start with a brand.

Giving your corporate safety program a brand identity that people can relate to is key to employee engagement. Make sure the look and feel reflects your organization's core beliefs and values. Add a tagline for greater emphasis.

Make it impactful and memorable. Use it on all internal communication.

Step Two

Develop effective programs.

Every company should have programs that include reliable processes and procedures. They need to include all appropriate industry topics and be easily available to all employees. If you need help, OSHA provides recommendations for implementing workplace safety procedures. Likewise, the SANS Institute offers guidance on protecting data assets. TechWise suggests these tips to safeguard information technology.

Step Three

Educate your workforce.

Promoting awareness and understanding of your programs can take whatever form works best for your employees. The key is to communicate often. Feed your employees a steady cadence of training sessions and promotional campaigns using a variety of delivery methods.

A Communication Example
Smart Tip!

A Communication Example

To help reinforce safety best practices for a global provider of branded credit cards, PartnerComm was asked to design a cybersecurity promotional campaign. The campaign was held during National Cybersecurity Awareness Month in October.

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